Guenther, John, Osborne, Sam, Arnott, Allen and McRae-Williams, Eva (2017) Hearing the voice of remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander training stakeholders using research methodologies and theoretical frames of references. Race Ethnicity and Education, 20 (2). pp. 197-208. ISSN 1361-3324 (Print) 1470-109X (Online)
Guenther, John, Osborne, Sam, Arnott, Allen, McRae-Williams, Eva and Disbray, Samantha (2014) Amplifying the voice of remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander VET stakeholders using research methodologies: Volume 1. In: 17th AVETRA International Conference: Informing changes in VET policy and practice: The central role of research, 22-23 April, Surfers Paradise QLD.